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The Hidden Step
Build Your Resume
Qualifcation summary:
Right below the path, we compose the summary of qualifcations.
This summary answers the following question:
“What qualifes you as a great customer service manager?”
By the time the hiring manager has completed reading your summary of qualif-
cations, there should be no doubt that you are a highly qualifed customer service
manager and a close match for the position. The qualifcation summary should be
no longer than four lines.
Should I combine several paths to demonstrate
diversity in my background?
No, keep each resume focused around one path.
The old strategy was to demonstrate diversity by
showing several strengths on one resume. For
instance, a person applying for customer service
management may also demonstrate strengths in
sales or management and operations. So the path
may have looked something like this:
stage one:
Employers view
me as jack-of-all-trades,
but master of none. So what
is wrong with that?
Defocusing your
path will lower
your chances
of receiving re-
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