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The Hidden Step
choice would you pursue?
Choice one, attempt to read from among thousands of re-
sumes or Choice two, network with other employers?
For most employers, reading resumes to identify the right
talent is a time-consuming, inaccurate process, and one of
guesstimation anyhow.
You see, no matter how hard they try, job seekers tend to
provide an incomplete picture of themselves when sending
their resume. Most fnd condensing 20 years of experience
on one page as challenging. Inevitably one leaves critical in-
formation out, or includes the wrong information altogether.
Receiving an incomplete picture, employers place little faith
in the resume to identify a match. Additionally, assessing a
job seeker’s team spirit, enthusiasm, and aptitude for success
(all traits that employers value), from a resume is not pos-
sible. Therefore relying on a resume alone does not provide
employers with the information they need to make an in-
formed decision about an applicant.
Building a network, on the other hand, produces referrals that are considered
by employers as more reliable. Using this choice, the employer is always
meeting with qualifed people, getting out, making contacts, having lunch
Do not believe everything
you read. Focus on results.
Build Your Resume
achieving clarity
No matter how
hard they try,
job seekers
tend to provide
an incomplete
picture of them-
selves when
sending their