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The Hidden Step
Applicant Two
Tells a story to explain his role at a previous job
“Altavista company was founded by a father and son. They started the compa-
ny from their garage in 1989 and today it is a publicly traded company worth
$60 million dollars. When I started working for the company, they had already
tried several marketing options spending hundreds of thousands on various
strategies. When they hired me, they needed 21st century advice. Most of the
marketing strategies they were using were outdated. Through a series of in-
novative marketing tactics, our team transformed the company into the largest
retail store in Yuma, increasing sales by 20%.”
Which one helps build a better image? Notice how the story adds far
more credibility to the description and helps the listener better un-
derstand the involvement.
Just as you prefer stories, others do as well. So when speaking to the
hiring manager, we are going to speak not in words, but in stories.
learn to tell stories